QRCodeSwift (swift_qrcodejs)

Latest Release MIT License Swift 5.0+ Compatible with All Platforms

Documentation Code Coverage CocoaPods Compatible Swift Package Manager Compatible Carthage Compatible

Cross-platform QRCode generator written in pure Swift, aiming to solve the awkward situation that there’s no CIFilter for QRCode generation on Apple Watches.


Swift Package Manager
with Xcode More details in the [Official Guide](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/adding_package_dependencies_to_your_app), but in general: 1. Select in the menu bar of Xcode: `File` > `Swift Packages` > `Add Package Dependency` 2. Enter https://github.com/ApolloZhu/swift_qrcodejs.git 2. Next, specify the version resolving rule as “Up to Next Major” 3. Finish with choosing `QRCodeSwift` library and add it to your app target.
with Package.swift “`swift dependencies: [ .package(url: "https://github.com/ApolloZhu/swift_qrcodejs.git”, from: “2.2.2”), ] “` … then add `QRCodeSwift` module/target from package `swift_qrcodejs` as your dependency.

CocoaPods ”`ruby pod ‘swift_qrcodejs’, ‘~> 2.2.2’ “`
Carthage I assume you know what you are doing (because I don’t), but you probably need something like this: ”`ruby github “ApolloZhu/swift_qrcodejs” ~> 2.2.2 “` Note that [Carthage doesn’t work with Xcode 12](https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage/issues/3019) (but here’s a [workaround](https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage/blob/master/Documentation/Xcode12Workaround.md)).
Manually Add all the `.swift` files from the `Sources` folder into your project.


import QRCodeSwift

guard let qrCode = try? QRCode("Hello World!") else {
    fatalError("Failed to generate QRCode")
print(qrCode.toString(filledWith: "##", patchedWith: "  "))

For more, checkout the documentation.

Example Projects


MIT License. Modified based on qrcodejs. See LICENSE and each individual file header for more information.